Office of the Clerk of Council

The primary goal of this office is to provide public records and information to our residents regarding all council activities, Council and Committee meetings, and Ordinances and Resolutions.

Office services

Liaison to city administration
Assist the general public
Provide information concerning council activities (council minutes, ordinances, resolutions)
Retain custody of all laws and ordinances of the city.


To provide the public with access to all legislative records and to provide an avenue to address public concern.


All deliberations of Council shall be made public except in those instances exempted by law, pursuant to Section 121.22 of the Ohio Revised Code. Agendas for regular Council meetings are available after 12:00 P.M. on the Thursday preceding the Monday meeting. Agendas can be obtained by contacting the Clerk’s office.

All legislation enacted by City Council and copies of Council and Committee minutes are kept on file in the Office of the Clerk.


Council meetings are held the second and fourth Monday of each month beginning at 6:00 p.m. and the Committee meetings are scheduled for the first and third Monday of each month beginning at 4:30 p.m.

* * * For a detailed and current schedule of meetings including any amendments or changes to the regular schedule, please see the Cambridge City Calendar

Current Council Members and Committees



Chair:  Mike Zaleski
Members: Bryan Conaway, John Wolverton, Steve Mourer (alternate)

City Services

Chair: John Wolverton
Members: Mike Zaleski, Steve Mourer, Bryan Conaway (alternate)


Chair: Tim Evancho
Members: Tom Laughman Jr., Kim McMillen, John Wolverton (alternate)

Park Board Liaison

Kim McMillen

Council Member to the AR&D Commission

Jeff Leonard

CIC Representatives

Jeff Leonard, Tim Evancho

City Council Contact Info

Phone: (740) 439-2640
Fax: (740) 432-1754


City Administration Building
814 Wheeling Avenue
Cambridge, OH 43725

Office hours:    
Monday – Friday
8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Office closes form 12:00pm-1:00pm for lunch