The Guernsey County Commissioners and The City of Cambridge intend to apply to the Ohio Department of Development for funding under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Flex Grant, a federally funded program administered by the state. Guernsey County is eligible for the open cycle submission CDBG Community Development Flex Program funding, provided the county and/or city meets applicable program requirements. On January 24, 2025, the County and City conducted its first public hearing to inform citizens about the CDBG program, how it may be used, what activities are eligible, and other important program requirements. Based on both citizen input and local officials’ assessment of the County’s and City’s needs, the County and City is proposing to undertake the following CDBG activities for Fiscal Year 2025:
Community Development Flex Grant Program Projects Activity #1 ADA Accessible Bathrooms located at 612 Steubenville Avenue Township for a total of $180,110.00 and will meet the national objective to benefit LMI persons. General Administration, $10,000.00 CDBG Grant Funding. Activity #2 ADA Accessible Bathroom Facility that will be located at 840 McKinley Avenue., Cambridge, OH 43725 within the City of Cambridge’s Park for a total of $290,000.00 and will meet the national objective to benefit LMI persons. General Administration, $10,000.00 CDBG Grant Funding. Leverage funds from the City of Cambridge $60,000.00.
A second public hearing will be held January 31, 2025 at 2:00 p.m. at Guernsey County Administration Building Office (meeting room on main floor), 627 Wheeling Avenue, Cambridge, OH 43725, to give citizens an adequate opportunity to review and comment on the County’s proposed CDBG Applications, including the proposed activities summarized above, before the County submits its application to the Ohio Department of Development, Office of Community Infrastructure. Citizens are encouraged to attend this meeting on January 31, 2025, to express their views and comments on the City and County’s proposed CDBG application. The County Administration Building is a handicapped accessible facility. If a participant will need auxiliary aids (interpreter, brailed or taped material, assistive listening device, or other) due to a disability, please contact Economic and Community Development at (740) 439-5491, Monday thru Friday, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., prior to January 31, 2025, in order to ensure that your needs will be accommodated.